Contact Us

Irrigation Operations
Mon. - Fri. 7am to 4pm
(209) 526-7639

Customer Service
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(209) 526-7337 or
(888) 335-1643 toll-free

Please be advised that MID may take up to one (1) business day to reply to all email correspondence.

Recreation at Lake Don Pedro

Reservoir & River Recreation Opportunities

Water Safety Tip

Keep children in a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket. More Water Safety

Don Pedro and Modesto Reservoirs

Don Pedro and Modesto reservoirs provide water storage for ModestoIrrigation District. You benefit with great recreational opportunities and family fun. Don Pedro Reservoir, 45 minutes east of Modesto,California, has boating, water skiing, swimming, fishing and camping. Modesto Reservoir, 30 minutes east of Modesto, also features water sports and camping. Bring your binoculars to view the wildlife.

Tuolumne River

The Tuolumne River begins on the slopes of Mt. Lyell in Yosemite National Park and continues west for 158 miles until joining the San Joaquin River. It is an irrigation and domestic water source for MID.

Reservoir Levels as of Mon, Dec 23, 2024

  Modesto Reservoir Don Pedro Reservoir
Gauge: 20.32 ft  
Elevation: 204.31 ft 773.98 ft
Storage: 16448 ac-ft 1397.477 ac-ft
Max. Elevation: 210 ft 830 ft
Max. Storage: 28,000 ac-ft 2,030,000 ac-ft

  • (209) 526-7337
  • or (888) 335-1643 toll-free
  • Say or press 3.
  • (209) 526-8222 (day or night)
  • Toll Free (888) 897-8222 (day or night)