The Greening of Paradise Valley

The First 100 Years of the Modesto Irrigation District



Modesto Irrigation District Vital Statistics (1987)

Established July 23, 1887
Waterford I.D. Merger January 1, 1978
Assets $526,000,000
Headquarters 1231 Eleventh Street (Post Office Box 4060) Modesto, California 95352

Board of Directors (1987)

Division 1 Robert A. Beck, DVM
Division 2 Charles Billington
Division 3 Jeffrey P. Cowan
Division 4 William Lyons, Jr.
Division 5 John E. Kidd

Officers (1987)

Chief Executive Officer H. L. "Les" Brooks
Chief Operations Officer Vincent G. Bradford
Chief Finance Officer Norman B. Moseley
Asst. General Manager, Power Resources Charles S. Viss
General Counsel Warren F. Grant
Assessor-Collector & Secretary to MID Board Joan Wishon

Stats (1987)

Electrical Department Consumers 72,012
Electric Service Area 160 square miles
Average Residential Consumption 750 KWH per month
Substations 198 miles
Transmission Lines 198 miles
Distribution Lines 1,095 miles
Irrigation Department Area of District 103,745 acres
Irrigated Acres 61,300
Irrigators 3,300
Water Delivered Annually (avg.) 200,000 acre feet
Canals & Laterals 211 miles
Drainage Canals 80 miles
Irrigation & Drainage Pumps 96
Water Charge $5.50 per acre per year

Water and Power Facilities (1987)

Don Pedro Lake & Powerhouse
Completed 1971 Purpose Irrigation, Flood Control, Power Maximum Capacity 2,030,000 acre feet Height of Dam 580 feet Length of Crest 1,900 feet Thickness at Base 2,800 feet Powerhouse Capacity 155,000 kilowatts

Modesto Reservoir Completed 1911 Purpose Canal Regulation & Storage Storage Capacity 28,000 acre feet Construction Seven earthen dikes La Grange Dam Completed 1893 Purpose Diversion Height 130 feet Length of Crest 301 feet Thickness at Base

Stone Drop Mini Hydro Plant Completed 1983 Purpose Peaking Power 230 KWH McClure Gas Turbine Generators Completed 1981 Purpose Peaking Power 112,000 kilowatts

Recreation Facilities (1987)

Don Pedro Lake Campsites 550 units Boat Launching Ramps 3 Marinas 2 2 Picnic Areas 3 Areas, 47 units

Modesto Reservoir Campsites 62 units Boat Launching Ramps 2 Marina 1 Picnic Area 45 units Visitor Days of Use 350,000

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