Contact Us

Board Secretary

(209) 526-7360
Email: MID Board

Public Affairs

(209) 526-7390
(209) 526-7454
Email: MID Public Affairs

MID Board Governance Information


To deliver superior value to our irrigation, electric and domestic water customers through teamwork, technology and innovation.


MID will be the preferred electric and water utility for existing and potential customers by exceeding their expectations.


Values, both personal and organizational, determine what individuals and organizations regard as appropriate behavior and are the bedrock foundation on which organizations are built. While it is not essential that all members of the organization share the same set of personal values, it is necessary that all members accept and support the set of organizational values that are chosen as the basis for organizational decisions.

HONESTY - It is expected that employees will tell the truth and act with integrity in all activities that reflect on the District.

RESPECT AND TRUST - We depend on each other to do the right thing, seeking solutions that benefit the District and its customers.

COMMUNICATION - We foster open communication and feed back among our employees and our customers through an environment that is free of intimidation and reprisal. We encourage, listen to and value each othe's views.

QUALITY - We strive to do the job right the first time. We take pride in providing our customers error free products and services.

ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY - We are committed to an accident free and healthy workplace. We believe in environmental protection through compliance with all environmental regulations.

CUSTOMER SERVICE - MID exists to serve its customers. Listening to and exceeding their expectations is key to MID’s success.

INNOVATION, CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT - Excellence requires continued improvement. We encourage innovation in the workplace, and value continuous improvement professionally and personally.

  • (209) 526-8222 (day or night)
  • Toll Free (888) 897-8222 (day or night)